Saturday, December 1, 2012

Losing hair, but gaining a mohawk

Today was my first day to head out to a public even since surgery.  A friend of ours from church who lives nearby got Rock and I tickets to the Christmas brunch at church (thanks Eleanor!).  It was a wonderful event, until I had a coughing fit and had to escape out of the room through the singers.  I am completely ready for my irritated throat to be done.  I know, I know, I needed that tube to breathe during surgery, but boy is it a pain to deal with afterwards.

After brunch Rock and I headed off to the highlight of my day . . . a haircut!  I've always been wearing a hat when I head out of the house because my scabby scar is so visible right now.  I got an awesome hair lady who first thing she did was let me know that she could not cut it all the way because there is a law against cutting hair where ever there is an open wound, and my scabs counted as "open".  Apparently blood can be a bad thing in an otherwise "clean" hair facility.  But she was kind enough to go as much as she could.  I ended up losing a grand total of 5 1/2 inches of hair, which is WONDERFUL!  She layered the hair so it bounced out and let me know that I had some great mohawks of hair as well where the hair was just growing back in.  No, I will not dye any of my mohawks.

On another note, my face might just suit a mohawk right now.  The swelling on the left side is just now beginning to go down, so it is revealing some epic skin.  I have three green/yellow bruises, and my skin is peeling off.  My skin was stretched so tight that some of the upper layers died, so now that the swelling is decreasing it is starting flake off.  Gross.  However, it is a good time killer.  When I get bored I can just go to the bathroom and do some peeling on my forehead.  It makes my husband squirm. :)

Oh!  We also have a tentative date as to when I will start radiation/chemo.  It is the 13th of December.  I will get a huge physical that day which will make the final decision.  They don't want to start killing off any new cells in my body until all the injury done during surgery is completely healed.  Don't worry, I'm sure I'll have some good commentary on that 2 1/2 hour doctor's appointment when it's over.

I also came to the realization today that I am incredibly lucky.  I was originally supposed to be released from the hospital this next Monday, instead I got out almost a week early.  I'm pretty sure I would have killed someone if I was still in the hospital at this point.  So thanks again everyone for all of your prayers and help, the Big Guy's support has been truly needed the last few weeks.

Now I'm off to watch my husband play Halo.  Ugh.


1 comment:

  1. I like your new hairdo. Looks cute on you.
