Thursday, December 13, 2012

RIP allergy, you will not be missed

It's official!  My allergy is being defeated!  With my two daily visits to Family Urgent Care about a third of my hives have ran for the hills!  My neck, most of my chest, the bottom of both my arms, and the bottom of both my feet are now clear and free.  The Doctor thinks that we successfully got my body started on taking this allergy on, so we'll do one more poking me session, and then I'm done!  It will probably take three or four days to get rid of the rest of the hives.

If you haven't guess it yet, as a result of this allergic reaction tmy start of chemo/radiation had to be delayed; for some crazy reason they don't want to treat people encased in hives and itching like they are covered in Itchy Scratchy Land. (you'll get it if you watch the Simpsons).  I unfortunately had to cancel my two and a half hour meeting yesterday with Dr. Stille as a result of this, he however wants to reschedule it before I even fully get rid of all of allergic aftermath.  This will be a true test of what shape I'm in.  Maybe I should come dressed as Angelina Jolie.  Or not.  I am one of the many women in the world who wishes for her body, but will never receive it.  Tomorrow at 9:00am will be the big rescheduling , and it sounds like we'll around the middle of next week.  A week delay for a week long allergy, seems reasonable.

On another happy note today, I found out that Marion School is doing a benefit dinner to help raise money for my hospital treatment.  WOW!  Marion is a small school in a small town, and I've only taught there for five years!  The people there in the school and the community really are incredible.  The bill from the hospital is one of the few things that we have yet to receive, and is the one that we are the most nervous about, so this act of kindness is incredible.  Marion is a K-8 rural school, with material that needs some updating and improving.  So if you do not live in the area, please donate not to the dinner, but to the school and the students to show thanks, I would really appreciate it.

Marion School
205 Gopher Ln
Marion, MT 59925

Ending on that happy note, I am now off to decorate the tree (with the cat's assistance of course).


  1. Yahoo for you! So glad the itchies are soon to be behind you.

  2. Hooray!! So happy to hear the itchies are on their way out!
