Saturday, December 8, 2012

...and you were there, and you were there...

Hello again! It's Rock filling in for Shannon. Yes she's back in the hospital again, this time the ER for some nasty side effects of her medications (we think its one of the anti-seizure meds). She has some wonderful hives like the ones she gets from sulfa, so they're giving her the 'good' steroids, benadryl, and pure adrenaline. She still is itchy but she wants to run a few laps.
     So tonight will be a fun night, I got to drive fast in the snow. She was not in the vehicle at the time, though her shrill cries of terror would have made due as a siren. Sadly a lack of a working e-brake (despite her illusions that it does something) and her nice snow tires made it far less exciting.
We just have to make it through Sunday before we can meet her favorite middle-european doctor and discuss alternative meds.
So prayers for good meds, good doctors and non-itchy sheets.

P.S. She's updated her status to "Twitchy and Itchy"

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