Friday, December 28, 2012

Being proactive can be annoying

One annoying thing about brain tumors . . . you get the privilege to start some chemotherapy drugs before your chemotherapy actually starts.  

I get to take 150mg daily, through my entire radiation/chemo treatment of a drug called Temodar.  Woohoo! (can you sense the sarcasm?)  It is only given to people with brain tumors, so it gets to be started early.  It is an odd enough drug that the pharmacy doesn't even carry or receive it, so this nice and expensive prescription was granted being shipped directly to our house the day of my first radiation treatment.   I have to say, I do believe that I received some better Christmas gifts than this from UPS.  Here is a picture of my new drug:
My Temodar manufacturer was kind enough to send a seven page packet listing off almost anything someone could want to know about it.  I learned that its potential symptoms are:

• nausea and vomiting.  Your doctor can prescribe medicines that may help reduce these symptoms.  
• headache 
• feeling tired  
• loss of appetite   
• hair loss  
• constipation 
• bruising 
• rash 
• paralysis on one side of the body 
• diarrhea  
• weakness 
• fever 
• dizziness 
• coordination problems 
• viral infection 
• sleep problems 
• memory loss 
• pain, irritation, itching, warmth, swelling or redness at the site of infusion  
• bruising or small red or purple spots under the skin 

Whew!  Now that is a list!  So far after three days of this drug the only thing I have noticed is the headache, nausea, and loss of appetite.  I will say though, this is one drug that takes the nausea symptom to the next level.  The first night I took this I was pretty sure that the next Indonesian tsunami was about to take place in my stomach.  Thank God for an anti-nausea prescription!  However, on the happier news-front, I had a blood test, and so far it the Temodar does not seem to be affecting my immune system enough to be a problem.  Yeah!  I also only take the Temodar five days a week, so I'll have this weekend to relax radiation and Temodar free.  Double yeah!  

I do believe I am now going to go and celebrate my soon-to-be weekend off by drinking some hot chocolate with a "few" extra marshmallows.  

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