Wednesday, December 5, 2012

my tumor could have done better

Today is a story of extreme annoyance.  Originally today I was going to meet Dr. Wagner, my oncologist, at 1:45pm for the first time.  (Oncologists are doctors that specialize in treating cancer).  Well, my husband and I show up at 1:30, only for the secretary to look at us confused when I give her my information.  I found out that my appointment was not scheduled until tomorrow.  At 2:00pm.  At this point I'm embarrassed, thinking that I wrote the date down wrong on the calender or read the email wrong that included this information.  I'm beginning to wish that the brain operation had destroyed some part of my body so it might be a little easier to hide at this point.  Well, I get home and check the email sent to me by the secretary at Dr. O's:
What I had written on the calender was correct!  My memory had not been affect by my surgery!  This means that the secretary at Dr. O's either gave me the wrong time and date, or that the secretary at Dr. Wagner's changed the time and date without notifying me.  I don't know which scenario happened, but be warned secretaries of doctors, I deal with mostly unorganized teenagers as my job.  If you can't find a way to get organized, I will assigned you a locker and a planner and begin grading your organization methods.
Since I am home much earlier than I expected today, I'm going to make today day one of "Thank You Letter  Day".  No one seems to write thank you cards any more, and that is just impolite in my opinion.  I still have thank you cards from our wedding, so finding cards will not be a problem.  However, I have found that we only have one stamp . . . and the stamp is from Christmas . . . of last year.  Oops.  I do believe that a trip to the post office is in my near future.  Oh driving, I do love you.  (I really do)


  1. So do you really have an appointment tomorrow?

  2. According to the secretary there I do . . . time will tell!
