Sunday, December 23, 2012

I Really Should Visit Vegas Sometime

Today is called a I'm feelin' lucky day.  It is the day before Christmas Eve, and I am feeling more blessed then I thought could be possible.  So far this holiday season I have . . .

-  survived brain surgery to remove a major (and still debatable) cancerous tumor, with no problems to speak of physically afterwards except for one special eyebrow
-  was moved out of the ICU after three days, so I could have Thanksgiving food in the regular part of the hospital
-  got out of the hospital a week early
-  only had one complication thanks to an allergic reaction from an anti-seizure drug (I have now been off all anti-seizure drugs for a couple days, and am still seizure free!)
-  discovered that my insurance is better than I thought, and with all the paperwork we have received from them, things appear as if they could be manageable (still haven't received an actual bill from the hospital, for either the surgery, post-op stay, or my two ER visits, so we're keeping our fingers and toes crossed)
-  been given absolutely incredible donations from our church, Marion, friends, and family to help with the upcoming bills
-  a phenomenal husband who has discovered his own support system of friends to help him manage everything happening
-  incredible friends and family who have been doing everything they can to make this the easiest they can for me, and certainly a memorable experience (in a good way).
-  made it to my first church service post-surgery today, and now have the goal of making it to one of the Christmas Eve services after enjoying it so much
-  still managed to bake everything I normally do at the holidays (fudge, divinity, ginger snaps etc. - the house smells good!)
I'm more of a knife and a bowl type of decorator, but Rock goes all out
Thank you everyone for your incredible support of both my husband and I during this holiday season.  I'm beginning my radiation the day after Christmas, and my chemotherapy the week after that.  I figure that the radiation and chemo have got to be easy after everything else that has happened so far this year.  I'll make sure to let you know how my first radiation treatment goes, and in the meantime I'll continue to hope for blonde or neon-green hair.

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