Saturday, December 8, 2012

Please work Benadryl, I swear that I love you

Well, we knew going into this that I was allergic to sulfa medications, so the doctors have made sure that they have not prescribed any that met that criteria.  Apparently I'm allergic to something else as well.  Last night when I went to bed I noticed little bumps forming on my arms that itched.  This morning, I am completely covered in itchy bumps from head to toe; literally.

We contacted Dr. Wagner via phone, and he suspects that one of the two anti-seizure medications that I am taking are to blame (that I of course cannot go off of).  It is also suspected that the reason this is not happening until now is because the steroid I have been on to reduce swelling has been in the process of gradually being removed.  Two days ago I was "lucky" enough to begin taking just one steroid pill a day.  Right after surgery I was taking four a day.  It is thought that the steroid pill was helping to suppress my allergic reaction.

Now I am itchy.  Very, very ITCHY.  The best think I have discovered that helps is not anti-itch cream but aloe vera (like what you put on a sun burn).  Right now I love aloe vera more than chocolate.

The doc right now has me continuing to take the anti-seizure medication (it is a bit important), and back to taking four steroid pills a day.  I am also taking some good old store brand Benadryl every four hours.  If my allergic reaction has not improved by tomorrow, I get to call the doc back and "take the next steps".  We'll hopefully not have to see what that means.

Well, I am now off to take a cold shower and apply the next layer of aloe vera.  I will work hard on my non-itch skills in the meantime.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, anti-seizure meds are awful enough WITHOUT being allergic to them. I hope you get it figured out soon!! Sending lots of thoughts and prayers to you and Rock!
