Friday, December 21, 2012

The Oncology Doctor Duel Continued . . .

Today in Grey's Oncology (imagine slow, but dramatic piano music) . . .

The first event is that Dr. Stilles has won the duel at twenty paces with his Flintlock.  My first radiation treatment will be at 1:00pm the day after Christmas.  YEAH!  (I really am happy, I'm actually not being sarcastic; I want to get this over with already!)  Luckily, Dr. Wagner had a hidden identical twin brother who was having an affair with Dr. Stilles' mistress, so he heard about the original Dr. Wagner's death.

The identical Dr. Wagner has reluctantly agreed to begin my chemotherapy the week after I start my radiation.  We hope he earns his doctorate in that time.  Only one of the original wives of Dr. Wagner know the truth about his identical twin, but she will keep her silence as long as his current brain tumor patient doesn't have to play phone tag again with the secretaries of both the doctors.

Next time, on Grey's Oncology (slow, dramatic piano music again) . . .
-  the secretary recovers her AMNESIA and remembers she doesn't love Dr. Stilles
-  surprise appearance by Dr. O
-  the original Dr. Wagner lives?
-  what does this ominous message mean for the characters of Grey's Oncology?

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