Monday, December 3, 2012

The world might be ending; I like teaching teenagers

I met my goal today!  Today I went back to Marion to let the students know what was going on with me, and I managed to do it without crying!  A couple times students teared up, but once I let them know that I wanted my hair to grow back blond or neon green they giggled and were okay.  The sixth graders seemed to be in shock, the seventh graders just seemed worried, and the eighth graders wanted to know when I would be teaching science again.  The best questions I was asked:  "How does hospital food taste?"  That was sadly very easy to answer.  I am also happy to say that all the boys thought my staples were cool.  Teenage boys are apparently tougher than adult men.  It was also wonderful to be able to see other staff members.  Here lately the only adult interaction I've had has been with the NCIS marathon on television.  However, I will happily put up with the adults in Castle tonight.  (Sorry, but no pictures today.  I'm not a huge fan of putting kids pictures up online.)

In the mail today we also received our very first bill associated with my James Dean.  The bill is for my very first visit that ominous Friday with Dr. O.  The bill ended up not being the death of us, which was a very pleasant surprise.  My insurance paid  $90.42, so we only need to pay $22.60.  I can do that!  The insurance classified my visit as "neoplasm unspecified", which has got to be the most broad based explanation that exists, but I'll take it.  I'll take any payment under $100.  Now to wait for the hospital bill.  I'm betting that it will be at least $700,000 without insurance included.  Any guesses?  I promise you bragging rights if you get it correct. :)

I also got the biggest envelope I've ever received in the mail today.  My oncologist (Dr. Wagner) that I'll be meeting on Wednesday sent me the biggest set of medical history papers that I've ever seen.  Twelve pages!  Double sided!  Two of the pages are just questions for women, while the men only have one extra question.  Sometimes I wish I was male.

Well, it is off to today's NCIS marathon I go.  I'll make sure to let you know how my appointment with Dr. Wagner goes after I have it on Wednesday.  Hopefully he is more personable then his twelve page report.  


  1. Hi Shannon,

    This Dawson dad, Dave... I just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers; Dawson says a prayer for you every night...
    I spent this past weekend hanging out with Dawson and Todd at their 5/6 grade basketball tourney... They did really well, Todd scored 18 points in one game and Dawson had a few steals and scored a few points himself... They both said that they could not wait to have you back at school....

    Please let us know when you will be back in Marion for a visit. Dawson would like to bring you some Milka chocolate... Also, if there is something that you would like from Eastern Europe please let me know...


    1. Dave,
      Just thought I would let you know that I'll be starting my treatment the week of 12/17, so I will be going to the school during the end of health/study hall Wednesday (12/12). I'm looking forward to seeing all the students there!

      Shannon Jones

    2. Dave,
      I am unfortuanly having pretty sever allergic reactions to one of my anti-seizure prescriptions, so I will not be making it out to Marion this week.

      Shannon Jones

    3. However, I have mostly overcome my the lovely hives that I obtained, so I will be back at the school Monday 12/17! Woohoo! (Chemo/radiation has been delayed due to my allergic reaction)

  2. Dave,
    Your comment did not come up on the blog, but I thought I would write like it had anyway.

    I am hoping to find out my start of my radiation/chemo tomorrow, so I will let you know then when I'll make my last trip to see the kids before treatment starts. Please let Dawson know that I am very thankful for his prayers (and for some real chocolate:)
