Sunday, December 9, 2012

ER doctor, nice. ER specialists, need some help.

I'm back from the ER!  They dosed me up with every anti-allergy medicine under the sun, and nothing worked.  The poor doctor wanted so bad to take me off of my Keppra (one of my two anti-seizure meds), but discovered that the specialists he had to talk to are extremely stubborn.  Dr. Zlogar gets big kudos for his efforts with me last night, but I really wish that he could have been able to do more.  Here is how my skin with its allergic reaction looked in the ER:

My skin has chosen to continue to react to my Keppra prescription, so now my arms, legs, and my head (even under my hair!)  are completely covered with itchy hives.  For now Dr. Zlogar prescribed the EpiPen, Hydroxyzone HCl, and Ativan for me.  The EpiPen was prescribed just in case this allergic reaction starts affecting my throat, the Hydroxyzone HCl is like doped up benadryl (THANK YOU!!) and the Ativan is to help me sleep.  Ativan really does work, I slept for ten hours last night with my itchiness spreading.

I am now off to take an oatmeal bath and cover myself in aloe vera.  I won't exactly be the most attractive woman today, but I'll be the best at itching in the room.

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