Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I played with foam today

Today it was a trip off to the radiologist (Dr. Stilles) again.  The mission was to make a CT scan map of the inside of my head, and make a mold of my face.  The mold is so that whenever I come in for treatment, my body will be in the exact same position when they aim away with their radiation waves.

Half the people I talked to kept telling me how terrible this part was, how long it took, how painful the mold was, and how it was by the far the worst experience.  Well, I'd hate to tell you, but this was actually quite pleasant; a mini-trip to the spa.  They set me all up in the CT, sent me through, then met me on the other side with a hot foam grid that would be stretched over my skin.  I'd hate to tell people they were wrong, but if you told me it would hurt, you were wrong.  The water wasn't any warmer than what I would take a shower with.  Then, as my face mold cooled and dried they conducted the CT (which MAYBE took fifteen minutes, not the hour I was told it would).    There are waaaay too many negative people in the world, this was by far the easiest step I've had in my brain tumor removal saga.  The only weird thing was my face afterwards; I had a great impression for a couple hours of the foam mold on it:
My husband and I went straight to the grocery store afterwards, and I wonder how many people were curious as to the plastic surgery I had done on my face.  The skin on my face is sadly back to looking normal now, so no more foam face fun for a bit.  It does look like the next time I'll use my face mold with be a day or two after Christmas; that is when my chemo/radiation is due to start! (As long as I don't have an extreme allergic reaction to some other medication, knock on wood)

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