Friday, November 23, 2012

What a world, what a world!

Well its not good news but its not bad news. Our doctor told us its a type 3 tumor. But its a funny type 3. It has developed arteries but its very slow growing. It is large but the cell density is very sparse. We are going to have radiation but chemo is in question. We are waiting on reference for confirmation, but there with be meetings with the tumor board. Doesn't sound pleasant.

Good news Shannon gets to go home tomorrow, as long as she behaves tonight. She's enjoying friends visiting, such as her friend Jessi from Anaconda.



  1. Your crazy doctor is in the background!

  2. My comment didn't post...well anyway....
    You don't have to meet with the tumor board. Your doctor will take your case to a panel of lots of other cancer doctors (and radiation doctors) to discuss what is the best path forward--the best way to treat you. It's like getting a whole bunch of second opinions without having to meet a whole bunch of people. This is actually a really good thing--more people in your pocket, so to speak. This is really common with more complex and challenging cases--yours would fit that bill just because of your age. So don't worry...they'll come back to you with a darn good plan!
