Friday, November 23, 2012

Just click those ruby slippers....

Well, this is the first blog entry written by me, Shannon (transcribed by Rock), since the surgery. The first exciting news; I show no problems!  Yeah! All of my limbs, senses, and memories work as they should. My 6-8 weeks of recovery has been cut down to 3-5 weeks. I am also very happy to report that after 3 1/2 days I am out of the ICU. While i do get why i was in the ICU (it was brain surgery after all), i will not miss the ICU in the least: It was certainly "memorable".

Good memories
-sweetest nurses I've ever met
-visit by my extra quirky anesthesiologist
-friends sneaking in "unsterilised" gifts

Bad memories
-woken up every hour, on the hour, for tests of some sort
-a ton of IV's (literally)
-inflatable socks that exist solely to prevent blood clotting
-lack of a bathroom
-the "crazies" waking up in a room nearly
- laying, or sitting (sometimes),  for hours with an ice pack. I love being able to see out of both eyes.
- people panicking because something became disconnected
- food ( at least edible food) be continued (my fingers are cramping).

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