Thursday, November 22, 2012

Now i know i have a heart, cause its breaking!

I have worn a hole in my shoe, didn't know it was made of metal! Shannon is in a normal room now and they predict that she'll leave by this weekend. She loves her Thanksgiving meal and ate it all. She already did three laps around the nurses station. She's looking forward to the lab results and taking a shower.
She's all for visitors,  let me know so i can give you her room number. If you cannot make it but want to see her i might be able to Skype her or something.
We've really loved all the support and prayers we've received and our hearts are filled and overflowing for her surgery, recovery and future treatments.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had a real Thanksgiving dinner. I was thinking it would be cream of wheat and apple sauce.
