Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Give me those ruby slippers!

Shannon already is eating (two bites of malt-o-meal, and two sips of OJ). Her bowls we're disgruntled and expressed them selves. She was having some irritating IV's so they removed the ones on her right hand and gave her a purple power picc line (no i didn't make that one up). From what they described they put an IV all the way up a vein and ran a tube into her chest so they medicine goes past her sensitive veins. Plus they can draw blood.
Pictures of her eating, right before the picc line, and of her hair. Still haven't figured out why they give you the hair in a baggie. Its not all they cut off, maybe they want to prove that your not bald, or not that bald. What would they do if you had no hair? Empty bag?



  1. Um..............bald guy Dick in NY wants to know how much for the hair?
    You're looking great Shannon ! But you need more wires, tubes and electrodes...you'll never make it into orbit without some more..........and a flux capacitor of course.
    Linda Dick Laura Sarah XOXOXOXO

  2. They give the patient the hair because it "belongs" to the patient. They treat it like a ring or something.
    Susan :+)))))))))) (I work in the OR that's how I know this
