Monday, November 19, 2012

Ignore the man behind the curtain!

We are out of the woods. Still not back in Kansas but the tumor portion has been removed, as much as possible. They report that the surgery is going very well and we are on track for a good recovery.

1 comment:

  1. hey there,
    we have a mutual friend (Joy Evans) she told me about you.
    Super happy to hear about a succesful brain tumor removal! congrats!!! that must be such a relief.
    Joy asked me to contact you, because i sort of have like....a TON of tumors. one doctor estimated over a thousand actually. I have a medical condition called Neurofibromatosis type 1. I have a lot of experience with tumors, surgeries, doctors, hospital stays, pain meds, side effects, recoveries, medical bills, payment plans, anything tumor related. if you need anything please feel free to contact me. joy has my phone number, or you can email me at
    also, if you are interested...i have a blog that i write about the 'tumor-ey side of me' if you would like to check it out.
    again, congrats on the sucessful removal. just focus on healing and sleeping. =) take care, hope i hear from you...
    fellow tumor hater,
    please also check out the website to the nonprofit i started
