Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'd unravel any riddle For any individ'le In trouble or in pain

Shannon is doing better and better (and looking better). She very much enjoyed a few visitors though it was a short visit. She has many cards and flowers from students and staff in marion school. Still having an internal traffic jam that has no signs of clearing. She still has "fun" remembering the drain coming out. Still won't let me get pictures of the scans for our medical friends. Apparently there is some program needed to interpret them, obviously they haven't heard of JPEGs. I will see about ninja-ing them from someone who doesn't want to be here Thanksgiving.



  1. Happy (almost) thanksgiving you two. I'm so incredibly happy that everything is going well. Stay out of trouble, miss Shannon... listen to your nurses! Smile :)
    Jenna Dullanty

  2. Rock, you probably need a program called Web Ambassador. When I got x-rays of a bone spur, I wanted to show them to a guy that breaks them off, so I got the x-ray on CD. Also on the Cd was web ambassador. It wasn't terribly intuitive, I didn't even know if that's what I should use, but I farted around and got the x-ray to open in the program, then converted it into a jpeg.
