Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Witty and Sharp? I'll Take it!

First news of the day . . . I now like meatloaf.  I don't know if that is because I cannot taste it as much, or because my brain truly likes it, but I'll take it!  Leftovers for dinner tonight!

The big thing that happened today is that I had what will hopefully be one of my last meetings with Dr. O.  (If you remember, he was the lead surgeon on my brain surgery to remove the tumor in the first place.  Incredible surgeon, but needs help communicating with others).  My meeting with him turned out to be short, but sweet.  He came in, leaned back in his rolling stool against the counter . . . and then asked me if I was wearing a wig.  My shorter hair seemed to be a bit of a shock to him, but he recovered quickly.  Dr. O made many attempts to be social able, and did give me a very nice compliment by calling me "witty and sharp."  He does think however that I will be on my anti-seizure prescription for the rest of my life (better safe than sorry was his approach, and I do agree with him).  I won't be seeing him again for another four weeks, at which point I'll be getting an MRI before my visit so "we have something to talk about" in his words.  He is also anticipating that I will be getting multiple MRIs over at least the next two years just so we can see if my James Dean tumor decides to regrow itself.  All this happened in a total of about twenty minutes.  I wish all the appointments I've gone to over the last month and a half since my surgery were that fast!

Also, my husband has been enjoying the snow.  He often complains about how the snow is too cold and dry to make a snowman out of.  Well, we are having some warmer weather, so he went outside and spent about half an hour being a kid again.  Here is his snowman:
The arms are branches he actually kept from the last snowman he made earlier in the winter.  He thought that they were too good to lose.  The one thing he wants me to tell you about the snowman?  "It was really heavy!"  I love my husband, but he is a special man.

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