Monday, January 14, 2013

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Well, the radiation is finally getting to my head (pun intended).  I am now getting some pretty good visible hair loss due to the radiation treatments.  I know that it is mainly due to the radiation because most of my hair loss is happening on the left side of my head where most of the radiation is being aimed.  So far the chemo just seems to have stopped any hair growth.  That part of it is awesome, because it has now been two weeks since I've had to shave my legs.  Booyah!  To give you an idea of how quickly my left-sided hair has decided to leave, here is what came out of my brush when I brushed my hair last night after a shower:
I will say this, my hair does not do things halfway.  My husband did not appreciate the couple jokes I made about how I still have more hair than he does.  Here is a picture of the left side of my head now that hair loss is taking place:
The one good thing is that I now know exactly where the strongest radiation treatments are taking place on my left side.  I am also going to need to start channeling Demi Moore so I can do the GI Jane haircut.  Right now hats cover it up pretty well, but I have a feeling that will not be the case by the end of the week.  Until then our cat and I will compete for the top rate of shedding.  (So far I believe the cat is winning; that's what we get for adopting a long haired tom-cat).  

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