Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It is an Obvious Resolution this Year . . .

My New Year's Resolution this year?  My goal is to beat this fracking brain tumor into the ground, with maybe a couple shots from a .50 caliber just to help it along.  (A bad word from Battlestar Galactica doesn't count as bad . . . right?  Yes, I'm a geek).  I have calculated it out, and I will be done with my chemo/radiation combination at the end of February/beginning of March.  So I'll be back at work at the start of March; knock on wood.  Then I will have my six months of my four weeks off and one week on chemo that will end right at September, the start of the new school year.  Perfect!

James Dean, you're going down.  And I'll make sure that you go down with plenty of show just to illustrate how obnoxious and stupid you really are (even though in real life James Dean looked like quite a dashing  bad-boy).

1 comment:

  1. I wish there were a "like" button on your blog.
