Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gross Picture Included

So far this week has been boring.  There have been no new major events with my tumor and it's treatment, and no new discoveries as to it's James Dean status.  So, this week's blog entry will be about radiation sunburns!

I realized earlier today (while I was getting my radiation treatment ironically) that I keep talking about radiation sunburns, but have yet to show you what it looks like.  Here is a picture of my most impressive "sunburn" behind my left ear:
The front of the same ear has a sunburn as well, but the sunburn it has just looks like peeling skin.  I did talk to Dr. Stille about the sunburn behind my left ear today, and he let me know that it has gone past the sunburn point and should now considered more of a regular burn like you would get from a hot stove.  Ewww.    I now have doctor's orders to put aloe vera on it at least twice a day, because there really isn't much that can be done about it until I am done with my radiation treatments.  I am still very happy that I passed my hearing test for this ear with flying colors.  Apparently this ear cooks well and is sufficiently stubborn when it is ordered to listen to noises produced by others.

On a final note, my blonde hair patch still exists and has not fallen out.  This could be "unique" hair I get when it all grows back . . .      

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