Sunday, January 27, 2013

Marshmallows, Enough Said

My husband has now become a hair stylist.  It is looking like every Sunday is going to be the time allotted for my head shaving, with him handling the razor.  80% of my head is missing hair, however, I still have the rebellious hair trying to form a very slow growing mohawk down the middle of my head.  My mohawk hair is still dark brown, so even though it didn't grow any more than a man's five o'clock shadow over the last week, it is pretty visible.  The best thing to shave it with?  A woman's leg razor.  So men, if you are married and need a razor to shave your balding head, use your wife's.  (Just make sure you have her permission first, otherwise you might end up outside either underground or in the doghouse).  Here is a picture of Rock getting ready to test his new profession on my head:
He really did do a good job, but he did find something that he thinks is really cool.  I'm still undecided.  When he was shaving my mohawk hair, he discovered a patch of unexpected hair at the top of my forehead/skull lump.  This little patch of hair was growing back in . . . and was bright blond.  It is so blond you couldn't really see it, only feel it because it blended into my white scalp.  This either means that I am going to become a half blond/half brunette when all my hair comes back, or that it is just temporary hair that will fall out soon and grow back in brunette.  Maybe I made it too well know that I would like my hair to come back blond, and only some of my hair cells listened.  Perhaps I'll get a couple neon green cells to even it out.

I have also discovered a new food that still tastes delicious; marshmallows.  Last night I made myself some hot cocoa, and ended up eating more marshmallows than the hot cocoa itself.  The fact that marshmallows don't have a taste other than sweet goodness must be why it is so wonderful.  I have a husband who is wiling to shave my head, and a bag of marshmallows as needed . . . I am one lucky woman!    

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