Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hair made from Legos and Top Ramen

Well, the hypocritical "titanium" staples have been out of my head for just over a week and a half, and I love it!  I am also very happy to report that my previously bald Bruce Willis left side of my scalp hair has regrown about a quarter of an inch.  With any luck it will turn back into a Trump comb-over before I head back to work the start of March.  The irony of having a half-bald head really is amusing given that the styles of the 80s seem to returning.  I am thinking that having a half dyed and spiked head of hair could be the new thing for myself as a half brain missing science teacher.  Here are the possible options that I am considering . . .

Option 1:  Honor the physics that Legos has made incredible by super-gluing some onto my current hair on the left side of my head.

Problem:  Removing the Lego pieces would result in the loss of hair on the happy side of my head with hair
Good?:  The hair content on the right and left side of my scalp would match

Image result for crazy hair

Option 2: Go with a biology themed Mohawk that would reference my job as a science teacher.

Problem:  I have a feeling that I would not be able to walk through a door without destroying my personal gecko.
Good?:  When I wash my hair the shower floor would turn into many different bright and caulk staining colors.

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Option 3:  Bleach and get a curling perm so the right side of my head can feel like a Backstreet Boy while the left side regrowing can be an uncooked Ramen mix.

Problem:  It might look like the Ramen mix that has the mini-shrimp in it.
Good?:  Ramen really is delicious. 

Image result for justin timberlake 90s

Option 4:  Give up on any regrown hair and go with a wig of all wigs.

Problem:  Any wig that is crazy enough to be any fun has most likely been copyrighted due to the fact that it is worth an arm and a leg after it became famous.
Good?:  I'll always stand out in a crowd (whether I want to or not) and have the excuse to complain about the differences between a book and a movie.

Image result for hunger games crazy hair

Feel free to let me know if there are any hair options that you favor, just know that if your idea turns out to be a bust, that I do have access to chemicals that can make your hair a new addition to a Google "crazy hair" search.