Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Surgery Two and Lego Construction Workers

After four needle pokes, early morning MRI, and the first of many doctor appointments, I am now almost completely ready for the removal of Junior from my skull cavity.  My appointments so far have been nice and boring with little note except for finding ways to take out some of the boredom.  You know you're bored when you find yourself counting the different colored outfits of the construction workers (nine wearing neon orange, five wearing neon yellow, and one odd-ball that was wearing a blue hard-hat with a grey sweatshirt).  I'm afraid that they did not seems to look nearly as stereotypical as the workers in the Lego Movie.

Later today, (in yet another appointment), I'll know the time tomorrow to report to the hospital for Junior's drainage and removal.  The most recent appointment I had did let me know that I can expect to be in the ICU for one to two days, and out of the hospital in three to five days.  I am a huge fan of  smaller numbers.  While I am out of commission, my husband will be taking over this blog (and if it is anything like it was five years ago when I had my first surgery, I am more worried about the blog then the surgery; I do love the man greatly, but if the pictures are as horrendous as the first time, I will be paying nurses to confiscate his cell phone).

My next meeting is coming up in a bit, so it off skipping across the snowy parking lot I go.  Hope you enjoy shoveling the snow while I relax in the waiting room! 😉


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