Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Last full meal of 2018

Well, my fancy seeking brain tumor is still a no-show!  I'm afraid that having a tumor that really wanted attention did not get what he wanted of slowing taking over my brain and turning me into a migraine-infused semi-human.  It has now been six years since the initial discovery/surgery/radiation/chemotherapy back towards the end of 2012.  I am all of the death of thinks living where they are not supposed to.

Unfortunately, due to the radiation that I received to treat the tumor in my head, I am now up for my next run of surgery, this time in my mouth.  The cell killing radiation not only took out my hair on half the left side of my head for a Trump comb over, it also killed off some of sections of my gum inside the left side of my mouth.  As a result, I get a "lovely" oral surgery tomorrow to move, stick, and transplant my gums around to fix the damage.  Being as I am not a big fan of being conscious during a surgery, I am paying extra for them to half knock me out via IV to make me into a semi-conscious zombie.  Since I will be unable to eat regular food for a bit, I made sure to eat some terrible for dinner today.

There is nothing quite as good as good leftover pizza and Coke from a glass bottle.  If nothing else, I'll get to eat plenty of Jello, pudding, and yogurt for a few days.  Here is my positive math problem for the week before I head back to work after Christmas break: 

oral surgery + no Christmas leftover food + Jello = eat less calories!

Who knew that having stitches inside your mouth could help you eat less terribly unhealthy holiday food?  


  1. Enjoy that pizza! I have a really good smoothie recipe that is very healing if you want it! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Wonderful news about your recovery! YOU are an inspiration and a joy to communicate with! Happy New Year to come!

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