Saturday, January 26, 2019

One more year survived as a tumor recipient

Well, it may of cost another round of allergies, but a year has passed since my last brain surgery and a month since being knocked out for a couple rounds of oral stitches.  Needless to safe, I've survived both, and am still up, alive, and enjoying being the odd-ball person with cells with corresponding miracles that have allowed me to live another six years.  I am very happy that being stubborn with the odds has worked in my favor, with no sign of my obnoxious skull fellow being present.

The big event the end of last month was the removal of some of the material from the roof of my mouth.  It was then attached onto the gums on the left side of the mouth to repair the damage caused by radiation treatment.  I happily paid extra to be knocked out during the procedure; I have no idea who would not be completely okay with being awake while parts of your mouth are peeled away to be reattached.  That takes the cake away from me for saving money.

Well, either way, in the end I did survive the surgery and the resulting three weeks of eating baby-friendly food of Jello, overcooked noodles, mashed potatoes, and apple sauce.  You can rest assured that my "adventurous" meals were met with much . . . excitement.  As of Wednesday my visible stitches have been removed, with my smaller, move "under the skin", stitches still hanging out waiting for their removal in a couple weeks. 

Time to make this story a more humorous by provided a picture story of my food consuming weeks since surgery:

Week 1:
Image result for jello comic
Tasty, with extra canned fruit mixed in every day!

Week 2:
Image result for mashed potato comic
Potatoes are a staple of life, if only they could be fries.

Week 3:
Image result for canned soup
Soup, soup, all the way, liquid textured noodles for the rest of the day.

Last, but not least, to enjoy the current Week 4:
Image result for can now eat
Non-crunchy food, here I come!

Time to eat to get the hang of eating squishy and dissoluble food for a bit longer; three more weeks until the last (knock on wood) stitches are out!

1 comment:

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