Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hair made from Legos and Top Ramen

Well, the hypocritical "titanium" staples have been out of my head for just over a week and a half, and I love it!  I am also very happy to report that my previously bald Bruce Willis left side of my scalp hair has regrown about a quarter of an inch.  With any luck it will turn back into a Trump comb-over before I head back to work the start of March.  The irony of having a half-bald head really is amusing given that the styles of the 80s seem to returning.  I am thinking that having a half dyed and spiked head of hair could be the new thing for myself as a half brain missing science teacher.  Here are the possible options that I am considering . . .

Option 1:  Honor the physics that Legos has made incredible by super-gluing some onto my current hair on the left side of my head.

Problem:  Removing the Lego pieces would result in the loss of hair on the happy side of my head with hair
Good?:  The hair content on the right and left side of my scalp would match

Image result for crazy hair

Option 2: Go with a biology themed Mohawk that would reference my job as a science teacher.

Problem:  I have a feeling that I would not be able to walk through a door without destroying my personal gecko.
Good?:  When I wash my hair the shower floor would turn into many different bright and caulk staining colors.

Related image

Option 3:  Bleach and get a curling perm so the right side of my head can feel like a Backstreet Boy while the left side regrowing can be an uncooked Ramen mix.

Problem:  It might look like the Ramen mix that has the mini-shrimp in it.
Good?:  Ramen really is delicious. 

Image result for justin timberlake 90s

Option 4:  Give up on any regrown hair and go with a wig of all wigs.

Problem:  Any wig that is crazy enough to be any fun has most likely been copyrighted due to the fact that it is worth an arm and a leg after it became famous.
Good?:  I'll always stand out in a crowd (whether I want to or not) and have the excuse to complain about the differences between a book and a movie.

Image result for hunger games crazy hair

Feel free to let me know if there are any hair options that you favor, just know that if your idea turns out to be a bust, that I do have access to chemicals that can make your hair a new addition to a Google "crazy hair" search.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Yes, a teacher can look crazy

There is not too much to this blog entry, just the celebratory pre and post pictures of the removal of all of the thirty-five the allergy-hive-itchy staples formally present on my head.  Up first of course is the car taken picture on my way to the office that results in staple death:

Now for the picture at the surgeon's office post staple death:

I will admit, I do look more than a little bit crazy in the picture; thanks to all of my hives and peeling skin I look more than a little bit like Two Face from Batman.

On that note, I think I will spend the rest of my birthday relaxing on the sofa and playing some Batman Lego video games where I can turn Two Face into as many loose Lego pieces as I want.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Allergy source discovered!

The allergy mystery has been solved!!  Woohoo!!  There is nickle in my titanium staples!!  I've always had a small allergy to nickle in jewelry, but this takes the cake.  This completely explains why now (as well as post surgery five years ago), the hives have spread from the left side of my face down.  The big thing this describes is why my hives always begin closer to my head and then moves down my left side due to the staples' nickle remnants moving downwards during a shower or when sweating.  I never thought I would be so happy about being allergic to something!

Originally my staples were due to be removed on Friday, January 19th.  However, after this discovery it has been decided that they need to be taken out from my scalp sooner.  The docs want to keep my staples in at least through the weekend so everything as the time to heal, but also want it out in the near future, so it is looking like my staples are coming out Monday or Tuesday.

Until my staples are removed next week, I will be stuck with hives that need to be managed until it is safe to say good-bye to my allergy.  To help manage them I will be put on a round of stronger steroids then I was previously assigned, and horse-pill-sized sized benadryl.

Time to begin writing an obituary to my nickle caused hives! 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Changing my religion to the gods of antihistamines

It has been a week since surgery, and I am happily home, relaxing on the sofa, and enjoying not setting an alarm to remind me to go to work in the morning.  So, here is the much anticipated summary of my last seven days of pre and post Junior's removal  . . .

Thursday:  My husband and I arrive at the hospital for surgery check-in, and I was pulled in speed-car fast to the semi-private back room to change into the ever flattering hospital gown.  At this point the racing car turned into a racing slug as the nurse working with the initial needle pokes and and vitals could not get any of the electronic equipment to operate.  After a few rounds of differing nurses, it was discovered that restarting the devices solve the issue.  

I was then whisked off the surgery, where I woke up I had a odd cone-head shaped bandage that was removed halfway through the night due to its teenage refusal to stay put.   Other then that the ICU was a very boring and uneventful experience

Friday:  My husband tried to adapt my glasses so I could wear them.  It was unfortunately a lost cause, but I did come out with a black eye from surgery that made it look like I was an epic boxer.  I was happily sent off the regular part of the hospital when a room opened up, and I spent the night listening to the person in another room listening to a something that involved a lot of screaming, blood, and death upon multiple dragons.  

Saturday: Due to the fact that I was fully conscious and doing well, I was lucky enough to be sent home after spending two nights in the hospital without having to worry about needing to plan a memorial for Junior.  May he rest in Indian Jones peace.

Sunday and Monday:  The best thing after being at a hospital . . . taking a shower and sleeping in a bed that did not include dragon killing neighbors.  I was also gifted with a husband that went out bought chicken fries for me, simply because it was a meat that I could eat without having to chew much.  I am viewing those calories gained being okay due to only eating a salad and applesauce while I was spending my brain time at the hospital.  Jello was a no go; I discovered my first night post surgery that when it chooses to leave your stomach it stays the same color.

Tuesday:  A "lovely" breakout of hives begins, and after a visit with my Einstein's haired surgeon I was put on a diet of steroids and benadryl.  The cause of this (just as it was five years ago), is unknown.

Wednesday:  Swelling as gone down enough on my face that while I still cannot wear glasses (staples get in the way), I can now look at my hives by using contacts.  Now it is possible to do a word search without getting pencil lead on my nose!

Thursday:  My hives made the decision resist all treatments and treaties (apply the name of current politician that annoys you here), and I turned into a red, itchy, irritated human that want to peel her skin off like a kid and their presents on Christmas day.  If my skin chooses to stay this bad tomorrow, then my hives and I (try saying that ten times fast), will be headed off for a doctor's visit and attempt to plot them oncoming doom.

My current medical goal - to stop unconsciously itching, and plan an appointment with a allergist that I might just view as a anti-allergy god.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Pray for Pooping

Rock posting for Shannon: So I was finally able to get into Shannon's account to post on her blog for her.

First, yes she is alive and doing well. The surgery was uneventful and she was in recovery for a few hours before being transferred to the ICU. She was able to speak and respond to questions once she awoke, though drugs kept her from being too awake. By mid afternoon she had recovered some energy and was able to stay awake for longer and maintain a conversation.

She enjoyed jello and cranberry juice for dinner and was able to feed herself (even while blind without her glasses). The title of today's blog was almost 'hooray for pooping' but alas it didn't happen. She did get up with assistance and walk to the bathroom though. If you can recall from the last surgery one of the requirements for leaving is your insides to be working, and we hope to head home tomorrow so...

Pray for pooping everyone!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Surgery Two and Lego Construction Workers

After four needle pokes, early morning MRI, and the first of many doctor appointments, I am now almost completely ready for the removal of Junior from my skull cavity.  My appointments so far have been nice and boring with little note except for finding ways to take out some of the boredom.  You know you're bored when you find yourself counting the different colored outfits of the construction workers (nine wearing neon orange, five wearing neon yellow, and one odd-ball that was wearing a blue hard-hat with a grey sweatshirt).  I'm afraid that they did not seems to look nearly as stereotypical as the workers in the Lego Movie.

Later today, (in yet another appointment), I'll know the time tomorrow to report to the hospital for Junior's drainage and removal.  The most recent appointment I had did let me know that I can expect to be in the ICU for one to two days, and out of the hospital in three to five days.  I am a huge fan of  smaller numbers.  While I am out of commission, my husband will be taking over this blog (and if it is anything like it was five years ago when I had my first surgery, I am more worried about the blog then the surgery; I do love the man greatly, but if the pictures are as horrendous as the first time, I will be paying nurses to confiscate his cell phone).

My next meeting is coming up in a bit, so it off skipping across the snowy parking lot I go.  Hope you enjoy shoveling the snow while I relax in the waiting room! 😉