Thursday, December 17, 2020

The grinch stops by

Shannon is okay. Not as loopy or sleepy as over the weekend. Yesterday she told me she was bored, there's not much for her to do and TV only does so much. I've never been much of an entertainer, working on that, but her attention span doesn't work for a D&D game.

She had a coughing fit after having medication go down the wrong tube. The numbness in her right side probably playing a large part in that. For nearly an hour she almost vomited due to coughing. They got more anti-nausia meds in her and she was able to eat dinner. I still don't know why they don't use her IV. 

They did come by with a bit of holiday spirit. A surprisingly good Grinch, whom played the part excellently, even with the slouch and the walk. Shannon was too stunned to say no to pictures.

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