Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Apparently the tumor has not impacted the nostalgia part of Shannon yet. She's had an old friend visiting the last few days and has enjoyed catching up with her and what's she's been up to. It's been nice to have someone other than myself to talk to Shannon, me and here have been side by side almost 24 hours a day since her radiation treatment in April, so we don't have a lot to talk about. 

Shannon has settled into the regular care wing, they have her meds in decent shape so she's not sleeping all the time and is able to speak a bit more. 

Health wise she seems unchanged. She's not getting worse, but not recovering enough to take care of herself entirely. She seems comfortable but could just be her putting on a face.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Shannon can catch up with her friend. 😊💚💙
