Sunday, November 29, 2020

The sniffles

Shannon had a day full of napping, followed by watching a video a few of her friends put together, then a bit of football. She especially enjoyed the video of her friends and their kids and pets who were determined to make their presence known. The "mommy is the best jungle gym" made me laugh too.

She isn't eating as much, she picks her favorite parts of the meal and ignores the rest. She even turned down apple pie (I ate it, she wasn't missing much). Her scoliosis isn't helping her comfort much, she shifts alot due to the back pain. I have to keep telling the staff her pain levels:

1-3 - "I'm Okay"
4-9 - "I'm Fine"
10 - *goes cross-eyed and hisses*

Other than that she was snotty today from allergies. Apparently there is no escaping them in Texas. Not even the cold weather, cold being relative of course.


  1. Well cold is relative. 29 expected tonight in Spokane. Put new batteries in the heater thermostat last night at 1:30 AM. was 55 in the house and had it set for 67. lovely work with flash lights and trying to reprogram the darn thing. LOL Hope Shannon gets the level of pain meds she needs without the grogginess. Hugs from this side.

  2. Thanks for the update. Tell Shannon "hello"! Love Becky
