Friday, November 27, 2020

Meds meds and more meds

Shannon continues to do alright. Not much changing. She continues to confound the staff, working her bedpan out when they were convinced that couldn't happen, trying to stand to go to the bathroom when she cannot even sit up.

They cut back on some of the worst sedative drugs, she was able to stay awake most of today and enjoyed a call from her uncle yesterday. 

I am noticing more paralysis in the right side of her face, she mumbles a lot more and is harder to understand. She's still having the petite seizures, she's had those for over a year now so that's nothing new. 

Her memory and comprehension are still good when she's fully awake, but her ability to express herself gets worse. The tumors progression seems determined to make her miserable. Still, we watched some TV today and she laughed at some of the jokes.

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