Thursday, June 11, 2020

Still being stubborn

Are you lazy? Maybe your brain is just wired that way... | JOE is ...

I am happy to say that a couple months post by limited radiation treatment has made my brain tumor lazy!  The largest thing about this MRI today was to see what had occurred in my brain since the latest radiation.  The first round of MRI post radiation back in April by take-over-by-brain was swollen and not thrilled about what just happen to it for two weeks.  Now, two months later, by tumor is still present, however, all the swelling that occurred previously has ended!  In other words, the tumor was growing actively two months ago, but as of today, my brainy brain (say that ten times fast 😉) is not irritated tumor has just become a dormant volcano.  In about two months another round of the same information gathered today will pop up again in a couple months.  I'll take every couple months I can!

(My incredible husband is still awesome for editing by typing)

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