Monday, April 27, 2020

I live!

One good thing being now retired is that I can read/write now thanks to completion to my "only way to do this is through doing the only option in radiation to be stubborn with my brain".  When a specialized doctors in brain-specialized really has been a pleasant position.

The end of everything thus far is both good and very crappy:

Good:  The source of my regrowth as been identified!
Bad:  They are "well-crap" that my very aggressive is from part radiation treatment from the past.

Good: No need for me to walk down the street.
Bad:  Seizures have hit any where from a couple days every week.  All it is vary annoying to me when I couple seconds "black-out".  However, I am glad my seizure is a nice zone-out from forgetting thing could be a lot on the worth level; having a lazy brain is okay to me!

Good:  I can now read/writing at about a 50/50 chance.
Bad:  I takes be about 2-3 minutes to read an sentence, but cannot remember in it my the end of it (my incredible husband is by read/writing buddy).

Good:  My husband can read minds!  He can figure out any missed from brain missing letters and numbers.
Bad:  To be able to say a full sentence as become by annoying to be.  Talk to me about every science in second, but after two of three sentences I can't.

As a sign of my current skills for writing/reading/talking skills, I am now done with last typing of an hour and a half.  If my current new brain tumor to the end of 2020, then a tattoo for the new rebelled tumor for as long as I can!



  1. Sure thinking about you, Shannon. Thanks for the update. Love you!💗💗💗

  2. Everyone at Marion school is thinking of you and praying for you. Way to stick with writing, even when it takes a long time. That's impressive! <3

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You're my hero, missing you. Deb and I talk about you all the time. You are best science teacher I've ever had the pleasure of working with and I miss all the funny moments we all had over the years. Thinking about you!!

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