Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stupid Sun

The only point of today's entry?  I learned a lesson today.  The doctors and nurses told me more than once to be careful when I exposed my head to the Sun since it would be more sensitive due to my radiation.  I've tried to be a good patient, and have kept my head covered 95% of the time that I am outside (the 5% is mainly due to answering the door when some new person comes along to sell their church - sorry, I'm taken - or putting the hat/scarf on as I'm literally walking out the door).  

For about three hours this morning my husband and I went outside to get some yard work done.  I spent most of my time doing the first set of weeding this spring.  I made a point to be a good person and listen to my doctors/nurses, so I wore big straw hat and some heavy-duty sunscreen.  I even wore a "Buff" head piece underneath since some light could make it through the hat (thanks Marie for that gift, it is awesome!).  It was nice to work outside and enjoy the warm weather and sunshine.  At least it was until I came inside.  My husband was observant enough to notice that the sun had made it through part of the brim of my hat.  Here is the end result:

The one good thing is that you can see some of my hair coming back in on the back of my neck.  The bad thing is that I managed to get a sunburn that burned like an iron when we put some aloe vera on it.  The pain from that competes well from when Dr. O pulled the drainage tube out of my head a day after surgery.

So, the end result is that yes, I do sunburn A LOT on my head and neck.  This is truly an momentous event, since normally it is my husband who sunburns when he even looks at the Sun.  Now I will have to be the vampire.  The good thing about all this?  I am soooo going to use this to get out of yard work.    

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