Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hair vs. Lawn . . . Least I Won't Have to Spray Weed Killer on it

Today is a blog post of happiness.  First of all, my hives are gone!  Within 24 hours of taking me off the different version of Keppra, my hives had decreased by about half.  I am now very happily itch free.  Over the last six months I've had more allergic reactions then I think I have had my whole life.

Second piece of happy news is that my hair is coming back very wholeheartedly.  Now that a bit of time has passed, my hair seems to be coming back in darker, but when the Sun hits it, it has a bit of red-tinge to it.  I'm very intrigued to see what it will look like in the end.  Here is a picture of me trying to raise both eyebrows while Rock manage to catch me off-guard:

The hair is now back on about 90% of my head.  With any luck, by the end of the summer it will be back to 100% and will have grown longer than the hair that the balding man in every neighborhood has.  

The last piece of happiness is that I caught my first cold since I had my tumor-removal surgery/radiation/on-going chemo treatments back in November 2012.  This may seem like a bad thing, but it is actually really good.  I managed to fight it off!  I had a sore throat and fever on Friday, which turned into a clogged up nose and cough on Saturday.  By today (Sunday), I almost feel back to normal!  Now it is just a bit of a drippy nose; and other than that I do not feel sick anymore.  My immune system is now my hero (hopefully a really hot looking one - Avengers here I come!)

Oooo!  Another happy thing that I almost forgot about!  I am very happy to say that I will not be going through a chemo treatment during my ten year high school reunion in August (Go Ferris!).  My final (knock-on-wood) chemo treatment EVER is the week before, so I plan on being there.  I wonder how many of the women/men who come will be crazy enough to wear heels and suit coats at Manito Park.  This could be amusing. :)  


  1. I'm so glad that you are getting your hair back. I had visions of you being bald the rest of your life. Love you( bald or not.

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