Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Time to turn into another water balloon

Today I had met with my radiologist for the first time in three years; we were apparently destined to meet again due to the stubborn nature of my mostly hollow left brain lobe.  The only thing that came up in the appointment was all the other appointment that will be made in the next three weeks.  So, here is my life with appointments over the next three weeks:

  • 2nd appointment:  Neurological surgeon (Dr. O) - radiologist secretary called him up today with no luck.
  • 3rd appointment:  After locating the lost Dr. O, an appointment with radiology for a new CAT scan and to have another face mask made - my first one from 2013 still hangs in my classroom; as far as the kids know it means that "I'm always watching you . . " (think of a sterotypical horror movie)
  • 4th appointment:  This will be a dry-run of the radiation/laser surgery where everyone involved will do a "practice" round with me present to make sure that everything works and everyone knows what to do.  I completely plan to sticking my tongue out and making funny faces to see if they notice.
  • 5th appointment:  SRS (Is is bad that I really am thinking that is going to be pretty cool that they will be cutting up and frying up part of my mutated brain without me being knocked out?  Being a biology nerd can be very fun sometimes ;)
  • 6th appointment:  MRI to see any changes after the SRS
  • 7th appointment:  Time to see the oncologist on the MRI results
  • 8th appointment:  Headed back to the radiologist to go over the same MRI results.
Like everything that is ever deemed as important, the dates for none of these events have been determined.  If nothing else this is still better than my four week round of radiation therapy from 2013; I never did turn into a X-Men quality mutant from that sadly.  The only mutant I will turn into this time is another water-retaining human thanks to the steroids they will be feeding me for about a month after my SRS.  UGH.  I do believe I will be hitting up Goodwill in the near future in preparation for my increase in size.  Stupid, stupid, stupid, steroids.  This could be only be better if I was traveling back in time to turn into Hulk Hogan.  Stupid steroids.

1 comment:

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