Sunday, June 5, 2016

Early Halloween plans and Jurassic Park

Time for a brain tumor/SRS/doctor/CPS/end of school year update!  First on the agenda, SRS (Stereotactic Radiosurgery, NOT Sex Reassignment Surgery - that would of taken the cake as an interesting cure for a brain tumor).  The SRS surgery was honestly very boring.  It ended up being about 45 minutes of laying in a very uncomfortable position with a strapped in face mold combined with occasional flashing lights.  The good news is that they did let me keep my new face mold so I now have a new "I'll Be Watching You" face mold I can hang up in my classroom for the next time the students have a substitute.  I just need to find a couple more ping-pong eyeballs come Halloween.  It is by far the best creepy medical song that exists.

I also made the decision to determine my current number of medical appointments that I have had since the initial anaplastic astrocytoma diagnosis in 2012.  If I do not count my hospital stay during the original surgery, the regular yearly doctor visit, dentist, and my trips to the ER, then I will have had a total of seventy-two visits come my next appointment with my oncologist on Tuesday. (Tax documents helped a lot figuring that out - who knew that taxes documents could be helpful once in a blue Moon).  But it doesn't matter; the hospital and attaching building are still a maze.

My husband and I have also completely finished all of the paperwork, training, inspections, and classes to become foster/adoptive parents.  Woohoo!  CPS knows that come next week, after the school year is over, that we are up for anything.  Hopefully the kid(s) are not quite as crazy as we will be, and Jurassic Park does not occur within the house.  If it does, it will turn out to probably be a good science lesson about evolution in the future.  Happy summer!

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