Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Brain Tumored Science Teacher Writes a Hypothesis

I have now learned that having one round of chemotherapy with Temodar that went successfully can have its consequences.  I was lucky enough on my first round to have an immune system that stayed strong, lose a few pounds, and eventually figure out how to deal with more less-known set of drugs with insurance.  (Don't worry, insurance does pay a pretty portion of the drug, it just takes a lot of saying certain things to certain people during certain times at certain times in the day - can you sense my certain sarcasm?).  The end result?  The three doctors made the decision that since my brain tumor buddy tried to make a comeback that the best thing to do would be to go back on the Temodar for a year to help prevent any future tumor-celebrity reincarnations.   I was not affected by the typical "fun" chemo symptoms as much as was normal back in 2012, so my decent health ended up being a curse come my tumor buddy's second attempt at life.  So my final conclusion is that doing well when on brain-tumor-chemo-drugs must be a secret plot that is fueled by a mysterious, secret government agency that clearly needs to have more interesting and important items to concern themselves with.

Since I am going to be stuck on Temodar for the next year, I figure I might as well follow my skill as a science teacher and conduct an experiment.  My current goal is to see that if the same flavors of food that I lost/went eww/came back up stay the same as my first round, or change with the times.  Last time losing a taste for chocolate was by far the saddest event that occurred during treatment; it took me about a year after finishing treatment to gain my love of it back - thanks to constants attempts from my husband.  Here is my science teacher lab hypothesis:

If I am taking Temodar for a second time, then my taste and want of chocolate will not be affected  as much because my body has been exposed to the experience previously and recovered its taste positively.

Any past and current students are welcome to grade my hypothesis.   I will  officially be starting my chemo again at the end of the month, and will do one week of treatment each month for the next year. I think it is now time to enjoy some Junior Mints just in case my hypothesis is incorrect.

1 comment:

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