Sunday, January 20, 2013

You Fooled Me For the Last Time Mr. Bond!

It's official!  My head is now shaved, and I will say, it feels soooo much better than it did before.  Before this my head itched constantly with all the broken hairs that kept falling out.  Now my scalp is free!  Since I don't have any more hair to lose now, it does unfortunately mean that our cat has won the shedding award since he is continuing to lose his hair on my lap as I type.
The best part of this was finding out that I actually have a fairly smooth head.  Granted, there is my scar and a lumpy spot on my forehead from some bone they dealt with during surgery, but my head is mostly smooth. It was a very pleasant surprise.  Going into this my husband remember his favorite Shel Silverstein poem and spent about an hour searching through his books to find it:

I thought that I had wavy hair
Until I shaved.  Instead,
I find that I have straight hair
And a very wavy head.

Thankfully I now know that this poem is not about my head, just my husband's.  The other cool thing is that I am now able to see my entire scar from brain surgery.  It actually looks pretty good considering how long and serious the surgery was.  
You can also see pretty well in this picture where I had no hair, and where hair still existed.  As you can see, the hair that I still had present would of made a pretty good mohawk if I was feeling adventurous.  The only annoying thing is that the lumpy section of my skull from surgery above my eye is more visible, but it gave me an excellent reason to go shopping.  (Just so you know, all hats at Target are 50% off right now.  I am now stocked up for my winter baldness.)

I am also happy to say that I have now hit the halfway point of my radiation treatment.  As of Monday, I will only have three weeks to go!  I'll still have my chemotherapy for another six months after radiation ends, but both the doctors and I believe that I can put up with that since my immune system is doing better than expected.  Possibly the best part about radiation ending in three weeks is that I will finally be allowed to stop taking steroids.  They have had me on steroids to avoid swelling in my brain tissue. The doctors have had me on steroids for just over two months now, and while they may give men muscle and overall hotness (but not brains unfortunately), in ladies they make our heads and stomachs balloon.  I used to have a jawline, mostly flat stomach, and cheek bones, but the steroids have other ideas.  I work out at least 20 - 30 minutes everyday, which has given me very nicely toned arms and legs, but the steroids just have to make it complicated elsewhere.  On the positive side, since my current radiation/chemo is overall going so well, it looks like I'll be able to return to work the first week in March.  I believe that is very happy news to end my first hairless blog post on. :-) (Oh, and thanks Jen for the advice on earrings when your head is shaved; it prompted my husband to get me some nice sets of dangle earrings for my birthday.)    

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