Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Maybe I should make chocolate salad dressing . . .

Monday I started my second round of chemo in this session with my "lovely" Temodar drug combined with a awesome prescription to help keep any food and the resulting stomach acid in my digestive system.  I truly believe that an anti-nausea drug is the best prescription ever created.

On another note, I have started keeping track on something that I documented back in 2013; the new and often interesting taste of food!

-  Salad dressing:  I have been trying to eat a good dark green salad for lunch each day to keep my blood happy and oxygen carrying.  However, I learned a couple days ago that over the span of a month, the Italian dressing that I have been using just tastes nasty.  (Don't worry, I checked the expiration date on the bottle, I still had another two months before the dressing should be tossed).  My husband has tried to convince me to try a different brand of dressing, but to be safe I plan on switching to a dry salad.  This will make it look like I'm one of those super-healthy vegan humans that for some reason does not miss meat or cheese when they eat lunch.

-  Feta cheese:  Cheddar is still good, along with Swiss, Colby Jack, and Parmesan.  But I had some Feta cheese a week ago on a sandwich, and it tasted like the rotten smell you get from a trash can that needed to be dumped a couple days earlier.  My husband had a similar sandwich, and he managed to engulf his sandwich without any issues (he even talked about how glad he was that we tried the Feta cheese).

-  BEST NEWS!:  I have made a point to eat a bite of chocolate every few days, and so far the chocolate and I are getting along well.  The chocolate that I have tested has been Hershey's Milk Chocolate, Junior Mints, and Hershey's Cookies and Cream.  My stomach seems to get a bit upset after more than a couple bites, but it still is tasting like chocolate :)

After putting off lunch, my stomach has finally decided that I am allowed to eat something.  Time to enjoy some ginger ale and a salad! (with maybe a couple pieces of Junior Mints).

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