Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Time travel with Dr. Who and a telephone booth

Today was a good day.  After a period of chaos, (involving black ice, a totaled Kia, ER visit, insurance constipation - yes that is spelled correctly,) I am happy to report after an appointment with my oncologist today that my brain tumor buddy is still incognito!  Having really boring MRI reports turned out again to be a nice thing.  My next affair with the MRI machine will not be until mid-June. Dr. Wagner decided that since my tumor is still a bit of an oddball, he does not yet recommend that I reduce my MRIs to every six months quite yet.  If my June trip to visit with the MRI machine does turn out well, then that might change to every six months instead.  This really is a long divorce process.

Since signs of re-occurrence with the tumor are not happening, my husband and I have made the final steps towards becoming foster parents with the intention to adopt.  We took eighteen hours of classes (with a 1:1 ratio of creepy to non-creepy people) to receive our license, and are now only waiting on home inspection.  The largest lesson we have learned from this thus far is that no matter what you are told on possible times for becoming future foster/adoptive parents, that they are always wrong on the date by at least six months.  Our current goal is to become Dr. Who (don't think Dr. Seuss) so we can have a kid or two in the house by the end of the year.

Well, that's it.  I am off to drink some delicious Dr. Pepper to celebrate my sweet "sixteenth" MRI.  As long as my number of MRIs stays less than my age, I'll be happy!


  1. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it was mostly good news. I hope you have kids in the house soon! Although, I'm a little concerned about the apparent prevalence of creepy people in foster care training. :/

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