Saturday, November 16, 2013

One year to the day . . .

Today was a big day.  Today is the one year anniversary to the day that I found out I had a brain tumor.  My big activity to celebrate?  I did not set my alarm clock and slept in until I could not sleep anymore.  It was wonderful!  I can only wish that I can do the same thing every November 16th for a looooong time.  This might just top my wedding anniversary; but don't let my husband know that ;)

The next big day of celebration will be Tuesday, November 19th.  This will be the one year anniversary from when I had my brain surgery to remove (as best as possible) my James Dean tumor "friend".  I really find it hard to comprehend that a year ago I was working on compiling a will, signing "do not resuscitate" legal papers, and explaining to my husband when I would like "the plug pulled" if necessary.  After the many, MANY appointments beforehand telling me about everything that could go wrong during major brain surgery, I still consider it a miracle to this day that I was able to leave surgery on November 19th with nothing more than a stubborn eyebrow that wouldn't move and a stutter that only comes up when I am tired or nervous.  All I can do is thank everyone for their prayers and the Big Guy up above.

My goal for the next year?  That my MRI/CT scans will continue to show no change, and that my James Dean tumor will continue being non-existent.  I know that anaplastic astrocytomas have a higher rate of re-occurrence than others, but I figure that since I have made it a year already without any sign of it popping up again, and without any of the predicted seizures, that I am already breaking quite a few odds.  I propose a toast!  To another year of being brain tumor free!


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