Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'll Never Beat my Cat When it Comes to Hair Volume

I figure since I have not written anything since the end of the school year, that it is time for a update.

First order of business, I had another MRI last week.  The doc who did the MRI didn't pull me into his office afterwards, so I am guessing that all is good.  I'll be seeing Dr. Wagner next week, so I'll bug him for a copy of my MRI write-up then.  This MRI I did for Dr. Wagner is also serving a dual purpose as a MRI for Dr. O.  He will be looking over the MRI himself as well, then let me know the results more specifically when I meet with him in two weeks.  I've asked, and if the MRI is still looking as good as my blood work has been, then my three doctors might make a decision early about any future treatment with my (hopefully now non-existent) James Dean tumor.  I know without a doubt that they will have me finish my next two months of chemo, but I might know what is happening after those last two months in just a couple weeks.  I'm going to cross my fingers and toes on this one.

Second thing of importance, my hair is continuing to return.  The sides of my head right now look like two-face from Batman.  These two pictures were taken yesterday, each showing one side of my head:
Left side

Right side
The hair on my right side that received a lower amount of radiation is growing back really well, but the left side where I got my mega-doses is a bit slower to respond.  Believe it or not, there actually is hair growing in all the spots on my left side that look blank, they are just so light it is easier to feel them then see them.  The good news for all of this funky hair?  I now have more hair on my head than my husband.  The bad news?  He still has more on his back.

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