Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Not homeward bound

    Shannon is doing well. Almost too well. Though she hasn't regained any ability to walk, talk, or body function. She can eat, sleep, and survive without being hooked up to a machine. That's apparently the line she's stuck on, the hospice facility she wants to stay at wants to discharge her possibly Monday, since she's not actively dying fast enough for them. She doesn't want to go home so I'll figure something out.

    She's sleeping most the day due to her medication. She sleeps so hard it's difficult to get her to wake. That's what counts as treating her seizures successfully, putting her in a half coma. We had friends drop by today, dropping off cookies. Was good for her to see someone besides me and doctors, and she actually remembered them later too, which is big. It helps they brought their cute kids along.

Some flowers from my aunt's arrived too, she likes the hydrangeas.

   Tomorrow we'll be bringing her Thanksgiving and watching the game. We'll be rooting on the Cowboys, but mostly because they're not taking on the Broncos or Seahawks.


  1. Sent Shannon a small package should arrive by Monday. Hope your Thanksgiving & weekend go well.Take care, Becky

  2. Dad will be driving to you the next couple of days. Hugs from us for you and Shannon in the meantime

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