Friday, January 5, 2018

Pray for Pooping

Rock posting for Shannon: So I was finally able to get into Shannon's account to post on her blog for her.

First, yes she is alive and doing well. The surgery was uneventful and she was in recovery for a few hours before being transferred to the ICU. She was able to speak and respond to questions once she awoke, though drugs kept her from being too awake. By mid afternoon she had recovered some energy and was able to stay awake for longer and maintain a conversation.

She enjoyed jello and cranberry juice for dinner and was able to feed herself (even while blind without her glasses). The title of today's blog was almost 'hooray for pooping' but alas it didn't happen. She did get up with assistance and walk to the bathroom though. If you can recall from the last surgery one of the requirements for leaving is your insides to be working, and we hope to head home tomorrow so...

Pray for pooping everyone!

1 comment:

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