Wednesday, August 7, 2013

MRI techs trained by Willy Wonka

All I can say is "YEAH!!"  Apparently the MRI techs do need some help, because I found out today at the meeting with my oncologist that there was no "smudge" on this most recent MRI.  The last MRI that they did before this one that had the "smudge" was not a tumor at all, just not the best work from the MRI techs.  As of right now I am off of my chemo drugs, and plan on being able to enjoy eating normally for awhile. 

Since I have had one MRI that showed a tumor, and one MRI that has not, I will be having another MRI in four weeks; just to be on the safe side.  If it shows anything that is hinting at the return of my James Dean tumor, then I'll be on chemo for another six months.  If there is still no evidence of a tumor, I'll be chemo free, hopefully for a VERY long time.  I'll then have another MRI done towards the start of December to see how my brain is looking about a year after the original brain surgery.  It is a bit crazy to think that I had major brain surgery to remove a good portion of my left lobe less than a year ago.  The right lobe of my brain is going to think that it is on vacation pretty soon.

I am very happy to say that it does not look like I'll be turning into a oompa-loompa anytime soon, either mentally or physically.  Kind of wish that I was though . . . then I might start liking chocolate again. 

1 comment:

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