Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hairy and Loving It!

I am now (FINALLY) on my last day of this round of chemo treatment on my triple dosage.  The first three days went well, I was certainly more tired than normal, but it was manageable.  This weekend however has been a new chemotherapy adventure; it was much like the weather, stormy with occasional glimpses of sunshine.

Step 1:  My tummy felt a bit upset on Saturday when I woke up, so I decided to just make a couple pieces of toast for breakfast.  Bad idea.  Don't know if it was the butter or the bread that resulted in the rapid evacuation of my stomach contents.

Step 2:  Don't eat anything!  Smells were gross, thinking about food was gross, TV commercials were gross,  meals in my book were gross, water was gross, etc, etc.  My husband was kind enough to only eat non-scented food.  Anti-nausea pills did nothing!

Step 3:  Take more anti-nausea drugs!  My stomach stopped rolling enough that I decided to try and eat something.  I still wasn't hungry, but I do know that food is an important thing that contributes to survival of the fittest.  Toast still seemed like a big no-no, so I went with some good ol' $0.89 box of mac and cheese.  I managed eat about 1/4 bowl of it, and then stopped.  YEAH!  Survival!

Step 4:  Waited a couple hours for my stomach empty (NOT out of my mouth thankfully), and then took my last round of chemo drugs for the next four weeks.  Then to bed, my vomit bowl coming with me.  The cat may throw up/drool on the bed, but I refuse to.

Step 5:  My tummy this morning felt like it did yesterday morning, so I decided to try a small bowl of cereal instead of toast.  Success!  I haven't eaten anything since then, but the food is staying down.

Despite everything with my intestinal tract, my hair is very happy right now.  It is growing like there is no tomorrow!  (Much like the grass is some patches in our yard).  A couple months ago we had to shave about 20% of my head, now we are at least up to 50%, if not more.  We also now have to shave my head more often, since the hair that is there is growing in faster.  YEAH!  I'm planning on gradually beginning to switch over to wearing hats to work instead of scarves as the growth continues.

Two months ago
Right now my head looks more a balding man's head than my own, but least my hair is coming back instead of going away!  Unfortunately, it does seem to coming back the same color now.  Darn; I was hoping for green or blond.

1 comment:

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