Sunday, November 18, 2012

Calm before the storm . . .

My bag for an unknown amount of hospital stay is now packed!  Thank you very much everyone for your suggestions, it made the packing soooo much easier.

1.  funny book (Christopher Moore is an awesome author)
2.  No cards could be found, so I'm bringing a word search and fill it in book
3.  blanket (one for me, one for Rock)
4.  slipper socks
5.  zip up sweatshirt
6.  shampoo
7.  lotion
8.  pillows (one for me, one for Rock)

I have to admit it, I now love Wal-Mart.  This has to be the first time I went shopping and found everything.  Yes, Wal-Mart is now my hero.

Also, as of tomorrow, Rock will be making the blog posts for an indefinite amount of time since I'll be in and recovering for surgery.  Be forewarned, his grammar is very "unique", but he will be posting updates as to my surgery conditions on this blog as soon as he gets he updates from one of the surgery nurses.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie and my thoughts and prayers are with you guys! Hang in there and good luck!! Will be watching the blog daily, so keep us posted Rock!
