Sunday, October 22, 2017

Time for a new hair cut

Well, after almost five years post my initial brain surgery to remove the original tumor having a party in my left lobe, it is time for me to add another brain surgery under my belt.  While this may not be the best sounding, it is actually surprisingly good.  The big-thing-happy-who-would-of-thought-main-theory is that the reason that there is a cyst instead of a tumor trying to grow is because the tumor happy cells truly are incognito, making the empty space for my new cyst.  Yeah for the rebel cyst!

Image result for rebel star wars

So, that is the gist of things until I meet with with the very "unique" (but genius) neurological surgeon tomorrow afternoon.  I really was hoping earlier in the year that I would be done with him, but alas, it is not to be.  Also, on a happier note, know that my husband has successfully convinced me that if any hair shaving occurs, I will use plenty of gel and hair dye to have a mohawk.  That way I can show off my second set of brain surgery scars.  May the force be with you rebel cyst!